
Discovering heritage train journeys

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Explore the Museum

The collection of the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa gathers more than 55 historical rolling stocks, located in the ancient Pavilions of the bourbon workshop, which, back in time, used .to host all the specialized departments of the different making sections of the production cycle.

The visit gives the opportunity of a suggestive journey back in 1839, the year of the inauguration of the first Italian railway line, until more recent times.

About us

Fondazione FS Italiane looks after and manages the Italian State Railways’ vast historic heritage: founded on the 6th of March 2013, it oversees a fleet of 400 pieces of historic rolling stock, the archives and library, both the Pietrarsa and the Trieste Campo Marzio Museums and the “Binari senza Tempo” project which has reopened tourist routes along what were once abandoned lines.